His Royal Majesty King Mark of Myersia, Emperor of Gar Cay
Her Royal Majesty Queen Heather of Myersia
His Royal Highness Prince Owen of Myersia, Duke of Azaelea
Her Royal Highness Princess Sophie, Dutchess of Jessaminia
Royal Census
Application for Honors

Myersian citizens in good standing for 6 months are eligible to apply for Honors, either to be elevated to peerage (nobility), or to be knighted. Activities meriting honors include voluntary (unpaid) work  helping your local environment, people in need, or animals in need. Such activities can be either long-term involvement with community service, or a single meritorious act, such as a major project with some permanent impact (an Eagle Scout project, or something that would make a good Eagle Scout project, for instance), or volunteering during a local natural or other disaster. Please prepare an essay describing your meritorious activity in detail and email it to myers_mark at hotmail dot com. The level of Honor you are awarded will be determined by King Mark based on the details of your service. If you are elevated to the Peerage, you will be issued a Letter Patent on parchment after you pay a patronage to King Mark in the amount of $5.00 US (to cover printing and mailing costs, arranged through Venmo). If you are knighted, you will be emailed a certificate in PDF form for you to print out (no patronage necessary). If you wish only to be considered for knighthood, please make that known at the top of your essay.

Both peers and knights have the right to have their name appropriately styled, in the Royal Census. Available Honors are:

Count or Countess, styled:
"His (Her) Grace, Lord (Lady) (your name), the Count(ess) of (place name of your choosing)"
Viscount or Viscountess, styled:
"His (Her) Grace, Lord (Lady) (your name), the Viscount(ess) of (place name of your choosing)"
Baron or Baroness, styled:
"The Most Honorable Lord (Lady) (your name), the Baron(ess) of (place name of your choosing)"
Baronet or Baronetess
"The Right Honorable Lord (Lady) (your name), Baronet(ess), of (place name of our choosing)"

Knights and Dames
"The Honorable Sir (your name)"
"The Honorable Dame (your name)"
Application for Citizenship

Interested in becoming a citizen of our fair nation? The Kingdom of Myersia always has its arms open to people who are interested in virtually emigrating to our beautiful country. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Citizenship rights include having your name listed on the Royal Census, an official Certificate of Citizenship signed by King Mark (in pdf format which you can print out at home), as well as the opportunity to purchase a jar of Myersia's most famous product - homemade jalapeno jelly at cost (when available, usually once a year. As a citizen, you will be notified when a new batch is made).

An application for citizenship is free, all you have to do is write an essay of 1,000 to 2,000 words on why you want to be a citizen of the Kingdom of Myersia and why you think you would be a good citizen of the Kingdom of Myersia, taking into account our cardinal values of tolerance of others, appreciation of nature and the environment, and following a simple, laid-back lifestyle. Send the essay to myers_mark at hotmail dot com.

Once your citizenship is granted, you also have the opportunity to acquire a Myersian passport (not actually valid for travel). This passport has a processing fee of $15.00 US, which includes printing and mailing costs. Fees arranged through PayPal. Once again, this is entirely optional, as full citizenship is free.